Neha Ashish Tiwari Biography : Neha Ashish Tiwari is a youtuber. She uploads blog videos in youtube ( Neha Ashish Tiwari youtube channel ). She has been creating blog video since 20 October 2021. Her first video gained 1.3 lakh view in youtube. Her youtube channel grew constantly working and uploads daily blog videos. She has more than 13.4 lakh subscriber in youtube channel.
According to website, she earned around 15 lakh rupees to 2 crore rupees in one month and she earned around 1.84 crore rupees to 29 crore rupees in one year. She has view lakhs and millions in her youtube videos. She also active in Instagram and Facebook. She has more than 1 million followers in Instagram. She earned money through youtube Google Adsense and brand association.
Neha Ashish Tiwari Biography : Her husband
Her first husband’s name was Ashish. He died due to Hospital negligence in 2020. She has a daughter. Her daughter’s name is anidhya Tiwari. Her second husband’s name is Sumit Mahal. He is a businessman. He is 29 year old as 2024.Sumit Mahal runs business in India, Dubai and other countries. His company works water purify. He runs business with his friends. When he engaged to Naha Ashish Tiwari than he is popular. He also created a youtube channel. His youtube channel is growing very fast. He lives with her mother and younger brother. In this time, he does not has father due to his father was death.
In this time 2024, she is facing some controversy in social media. She reacted as brother Sachin on camera but off camera she reacted as boyfriend. Sachin and Neha reacted as brother and sister in social media. When both’s relationships was viral than she was trolling by people in social media as like Youtube and Instagram.