Ravindra Balu Bharti is youtuber, stock market advisor ( wrong advisor ) and influencer. He has more than 1.5 crore subscribers in YouTube. He has multiple channels. He advises stock market related in youtube. He has one of the big stock market related youtube channel. Stock market is very profitable field.
Ravindra Balu Bharti Age
He has not shared his age. According to my mind, he is 35 to 40 year old in 2024. His company is facing some problem. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has stopped them from buying, selling, or dealing in the stock market until April 4, 2025. This means they cannot take part in any activities related to the stock market during this time.
Ravindra Balu Bharti net worth
He earns through youtube, his company and stock market. YouTube pays a significant amount of money to stock market-related advisors. At this time, he is facing some problems due to his wrong advice related to the stock market. A fine of ₹9.5 crore has been imposed on them.
Ravindra Balu Bharti news
He gave wrong information about stock market related and he earned very big amount of money. Due to this reason, the security and commodity market regulatory body has fined them Rs 9.5 crore and he can not buy, sell, or deal in the stock market until April 4, 2025.
Ravindra Balu Bharti youtube channel
He has Hindi and Marathi youtube channel in stock and share market related. He has a Bharti Share Market Marathi youtube channel. In this channel has 11.6 lakh subscriber. He has around 8 lakh subscriber in Share Market hindi youtube channel. He has multiple channels in youtube platform. His most popular channel is Marathi Udyojak Ravindra Bharti. In this channel has 1.55 crore subscribers in youtube.
Conclusion: Ravindra Balu Bharti Age, net worth and youtube channel related information is here. He is YouTuber and influencer. He advises share market related. He has been fined 9.5 crore by SEBI. He advised wrong information about share market through his youtube channel so he is facing some problem.
Shashikumar Mohta Biography: Age, Career, Net worth, News
Disclaimer: All the information is taken by reliable sources and different different sources like Youtube, News site and other.